电影网>明星资料馆>Milena Vukotic



Occhio, malocchio, prezzemolo e finocchio

剧情: Two episodes. In the first one, \" Il pelo della disgrazia\", Mr. Altomare\'s life is constantly threatened by his neighbor that in Altomare opinion is a jinx. ...


剧情: 根据一部1953年的美国小说改编,讲一个码头工人杰拉尔的妹妹被人强奸后自杀,她的血液一直流进小巷深处路旁的阴沟里,此时一轮明月当空照着。杰拉尔怀念妹妹,想到要报仇,寻找出强奸她的人。期间,年轻而富有的美丽女子洛莱塔经常驾车到港口边的贫民区来。他们俩偶尔相遇了。当看到自己房前的广告牌上写着“试试另一个世界”时,杰拉...


剧情: 法国 1983-12-07  1983|西德 1985-08-22  1985


剧情: 俄国诗人安德烈(奥列格·扬科夫斯基 Oleg Yankovsky饰)在美丽的女翻译尤金伲亚(厄兰·约瑟夫森 Erland Josephson饰)的陪同下,一同前往意大利寻访一位十八世纪俄国作曲家的生活。他们一起走访充满宗教意象的乡村教堂,在一座有天然温泉的古老小镇停留。此时他遇见了不被世人理解的疯人多米尼克(厄...


Amici miei atto II

剧情: The four old friends meet on the grave of the fifth of them, Perozzi, who died at the end of the first episode. Time has passed but they are still up for advent...


剧情: John Flaherty (Christopher Reeve) is a young and ambitious American priest who arrives in the Papal Sovereign city state of the Vactican in 1944 to take his hol...


Cornetti alla crema

剧情: 意大利 1981-09-11  1981

Bianco, rosso e Verdone

剧情: Three Italian have to move from their current city to vote to local elections elsewhere. Pasquale is an Italian emigrant living in Munich (Germany). He has to v...

Sunday Lovers

剧情: 意大利 1980-10-31  1980|法国 1980-12-17  1980|美国 1981-02-27  1981|芬兰 1981-09-18  1981|日本 1985-11-30&...

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