电影网>明星资料馆>Jon Walmsley




剧情: Sixth Waltons reunion movie is set in 1969 featuring John-Boy as the TV news anchorperson in New York and he is in the throes of writing a new book. He and a ve...


A Walton Wedding

剧情: Fifth Waltons TV movie is set in 1964 which has John-Boy Walton planning his wedding to Janet Gilchrist, the editor of a New York fashion magazine and the daugh...


A Walton Thanksgiving Reunion

剧情: Fourth Waltons reunion TV movie is now set in the 1960s which has John-Boy still living in New York, trying to persuade his fianc閑 to marry him. Meanwhile, Ben ...


Waiting to Act

剧情: Follows the trials and tribulations of a young man trying to make his mark in Hollywood as an actor. The film focuses humorously on the audition process and act...


Mother's Day on Waltons Mountain

剧情: Mary Ellen marries Jonesy but they don\'t exactly have a good start. While on their honeymoon, she suffers an accident that leaves her unable to bear children. ...

A Wedding on Walton's Mountain

剧情: 美国 1982-02-22  1982

A Day for Thanks on Walton's Mountain

剧情: Third Waltons reunion movie has most of the family split up on the days approaching Thanksgiving, c. 1946. But most of the family begins to arrive at Walton\'s ...



剧情: 一只家里的玩具布熊,摇身一变成为森林里的淘气熊,因贪吃蜜糖,而招惹了蜜蜂追杀之祸,躲到兔伯伯洞里,又发觉有蜜糖可以吃,于是愈吃起劲……没料到出不了洞,该怎么办呢?兔伯伯只好呼朋唤友,猫头鹰、松鼠、袋鼠··全来了,同心协力、一、二、三拉··一、二、三拉·· Winnie the Pooh 是英国作家 A. ...


"The New Scooby-Doo Movies"

剧情: 美国 1972-09-09  1972advertisement Shaggy: Man, I don\'t know what\'s worse... Those Muck Men, or Cass Elliot\'s driving... Scooby: Cas...

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