


"NCS Manhunt"

剧情: 英国 2004-02-21  2004

Revengers Tragedy

剧情: 挪威 2004-01-16  2004|香港 2004-01-07  2004|日本 2003-09-13  2003|英国 2003-02-14  2003|瑞士 2002-08-06&n...

Al's Lads

剧情: 瑞典 2006-05-06  2006|西班牙 2003-06-18  2003|匈牙利 2003-04-29  2003|挪威 2002-10-09  2002|英国 2002-06-29...

No Night Is Too Long

剧情: Young Tim Cornish\'s life has begun with great promise. Blessed with extraordinary good looks, Tim enjoyed much attention and cared little of broken hearts. At ...


The Bombmaker

剧情: An expert IRA bomb-maker turned police informant retires and starts a new life after four school-children are killed by one of her bombs. Ten years later, her d...

Pretending to Be Judith

剧情: James, a jewellery store operator, spots Maria in a bit part in a play and asks her to impersonate his mistress, Judith, who died in an accident, so that he can...

Men Only

剧情: 英国 2001-06-03  2001


剧情: 版本一 1942年,一群毫无经验的平民百姓,自愿参军受训,成为美军最新的一个团——空降部队。中尉索博魔鬼般的训练使他们吃尽了苦头,然而他们也成为了美军最精锐的部队。终于在1944年6月5日登上了飞机,奔赴法国“诺曼底”。  继《拯救大兵雷恩》后,好莱坞大导演斯皮尔伯格与两届奥斯卡影帝汤姆·汉克斯再度...


Free Spirits

剧情: 英国 2000-10-23  2000

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