电影网>明星资料馆>Phil Warren




剧情: Reporters Clark Kent and Lois Lane arrive in the small town of Silsby to witness the drilling of the world\'s deepest oil well. The drill, however, has penetrat...


Bet Your Life

剧情: 美国 1948-01-16  1948


The Spook Speaks

剧情: 美国 1947-12-05  1947 (re-release)|美国 1955-11-18  1955

Code of the West

剧情: 美国 1947-02-20  1947|瑞典 1947-12-01  1947

Trail Street

剧情: 美国 1947-02-19  1947|瑞典 1947-08-25  1947|芬兰 1947-12-19  1947|丹麦 1948-08-30  1948|奥地利 1949-01-18&...


剧情: 本片描述水手辛巴达第八度出航,在前往找寻亚历山大大帝遗落的宝藏,在这个过程中,辛巴达和他的朋友历经千辛万苦,和各种妖魔鬼怪做斗争的旅程。此片取材于阿拉伯童话故事的冒险动作片,拍摄得颇为流畅热闹,小费尔班克斯的辛巴达造型非常讨好观众,而且表演了灵活的斗剑身手,但情节稍嫌幼稚可笑。Sinbad is a story tel...

Born to Kill

剧情: In Reno a man kills a girl he likes and her boyfriend out of jealousy; it may not be the first time. A woman whose divorce has just come through finds the bodie...

The Devil Thumbs a Ride

剧情: Steve Morgan kills a man in a holdup and hitches a ride to Los Angeles with Fergie. At a gas station, they pick up two women. Encountering a roadblock, Morgan t...

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