


Always Outnumbered

剧情: An ex-con moves to L.A. to find work and creates a disturbance by fighting for a position. More importantly he touches the lives of many of his neighbors includ...

Mixing Nia

剧情: Nia is a successful copy writer at ad agency, and she leads white yuppie life (though her mother is black). She quits the agency when she is ordered to push a n...


剧情: 四十岁的银行抢匪杰克佛里犯案累累,他是名符其实的江洋大盗,不过他却运气不佳,老是因为车子出问题被抓,不是电池没电就是引擎着火,总而言之,他就是霉运当头。现在他又得面对三十年的刑期,可题这次他不想坐牢,他打算逃狱,干一大票,然后退隐江湖。    联邦女警探凯伦西丝可一家都是执法人员,她父亲是个私家侦...


剧情: 剧情简介现任美国参议员因为参与九六年的总统选举,以致心力交瘁,终于精神崩溃,在这种心理失常的状态,他竟买凶杀自己,以拿取巨额保险金给女儿。然而,买凶之后,才遇上一名美非藉红颜知己,有了爱情新力量后,他决定打消死念,然而,他来得及阻止凶手行动吗?


Love Jones

剧情: 剧情简介故事发生在芝加哥,描写一对受过高等教育的中产阶级黑人情侣,爱情生活的起起落落。达瑞(劳伦斯泰特,「何苦坠入情网」)是个才华洋溢的年轻诗人,妮娜(妮雅朗)则是位美丽聪明的摄影师,两人都在芝加哥过著玩世不恭的自由生活。一日,两人在酒吧中一见锺情,第一次约会开始就打得如火如荼,但双方都不确定这到底是真爱,还是只有三分...

"Ally McBeal"

剧情: 美国 1997-09-08  1997 (Italian speaking region)|瑞典 1998-02-23  1998 (French speaking region)|法国 1998-02-24  1998|丹麦 ...


Mr. and Mrs. Loving

剧情: A moving and uplifting drama about the effects of interracial marriage in the 1960s. Friends since childhood, and loved by both families, this couple are exiled...


剧情: Who could have guessed that a bunch of men in dresses would breath life into the movement to win equal rights for gay men and lesbians? Certainly not the police...


剧情: Get on the Bus follows several Black men on a cross country bus trip to the Million Man March. On the bus are an eclectic set of characters including a laid off...

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