剧情: 葡萄牙 2005-08-05 2005|德国 1999-11-25 1999|美国 1999-04-14 1999
剧情: 剧情简介1836年,两名罪犯艾利森(克里斯多佛森饰,「星梦泪痕」)与霍兰(山姆巴斯托饰,「2013终极神差」),从路易西安纳州的流犯隔离区逃出,欲前往德州加入山姆休斯顿(汤姆史凯瑞特饰,电视影集「小城风云」中那位警长)领导的军队,对抗墨西哥日益壮大的势力。由于休斯顿对外宣称,每位士兵在胜利后都能获得640英亩的土地,这...
剧情: We see two stories told over four time lines, which wind down to a devastating ground zero collision, as we watch a double tragedy unfold in a small Oklahoma to...
剧情: In the beginning of the 19th Century many Anglosaxons are settling in the Mexican province of Mexico. As the years go by, political conflicts between the settle...
剧情: 已经步入老年的奥萝拉虽然很富有,但却过着在她看来糟糕的生活――她的女儿在年轻的时候便因意外去世,留下了三个孩子。奥萝拉和跟了自己几十年的女佣罗西一起将这三个孩子抚养成人,但如今孩子们却和外婆的关系十分紧张。 汤米多次因触犯法律被判入狱,他将这一切归咎于外婆的教育方式。尽管奥萝拉每隔一段时间就到监狱去看望汤...
剧情: This is a story of two lovers, Luke and Loretta. Luke is the son of a rich family in Texas, and Loretta is daughter of a worker. They have different worlds, dif...
剧情: The setting is early America during the oil boom. An elderly, down on his luck \'oil man\', Mr. Cox finds himself in the town of Henrietta. Using unconventional...
剧情: 鲍德的母亲在生产前不幸遭到电击,因为基因突变的缘故,使得他患有异于常人的白子症与超能力,为了保护他免于外界的嘲笑,二十年来一直将他软禁在农舍的地下室,因此鲍德从未与外界有过任何接触,随着亲人相继过世,警方与社工人员发现了鲍德,面对残酷的外界社会,鲍德该何去何从呢?对未来他又会作出何种决定? 人类进化到一定程度时,&n...