剧情: Rick is a divorced father-of-two who meets Lily, a newly-separated mother-of-two. They begin a relationship, which has a significant impact not only on their li...
剧情: After a woman\'s husband dies while jogging in the park, the young widow\'s deep grief helps to awaken his ghost. The ghost urges her to commit suicide to join ...
剧情: 剧情简介堕胎一直是现代社会中相当引人争议的议题,赞成堕胎者认为该尊重女性的选择权,而反堕胎者则坚持胚胎也是生命,即使是怀孕母亲也无权夺取它们的生存权。本片即是以堕胎为议题的作品,描述玛格丽特医师在活跃的女性主义者黛安娜的支持下,为怀孕女姓执刀堕胎。但是虔诚的教徒亚琳却在右翼牧师的鼓吹下,极力反对女性堕胎。这二派人马歧异...
剧情: 美国 1994-01-05 1994
剧情: 美国 1994-09-18 1994|阿根廷 1995-04-05 1995|瑞典 1995-04-16 1995|法国 1996-08-31 1996|克罗地亚 1997-03-0...
剧情: Teen-age mother (D\'Angelo) is forced to give up her baby for adoption and, 19 years later, when she tries to contact her son, she learns that he died, under qu...
剧情: After the death of her husband, Pat learns that he gambled away all of their savings and that she\'s now destitute. She may even have to leave their apartment. ...
剧情: 美国 1987-09-29 1987|法国 1989-01-15 1989|瑞典 1989-01-22 1989|德国 1991-10-27 1991advertisement ...