电影网>明星资料馆>Cal Wilson



"Spicks and Specks"

剧情: 澳大利亚 2005-02-09  2005

"Last Man Standing"

剧情: 以色列 2005-11-20  2005|澳大利亚 2005-06-06  2005|新西兰 2005-04-01  2005


Orphans and Angels

剧情: Love, drugs and murder are the backdrop for Orphans and Angels, a new film noir from New Zealand by first-time director/writer/editor Harold Brodie. Our story b...

Melbourne International Comedy Festival Gala

剧情: 澳大利亚 2003-04-03  2003

"Willy Nilly"

剧情: A light-hearted comedy about Eric and Harry, two brothers whose sheltered lives on a farm have revolved around their mother. Somewhat stuck in the 1950\'s, they...


剧情: 澳大利亚 2003-02-09  2003[a bank robber is at a public phone] Recording: Welcome to our telephone banking service. If you would like to make an ac...


"The Glass House"

剧情: 澳大利亚 2001-08-10  2001Dave Hughes: Sometimes my thoughts don\'t happen good. Akmal Saleh: d5 People don\'t give a rats about rats. In fact,...

Zenon: The Zequel

剧情: 15-year-old Zenon Kar\'s space station home is getting torn apart by the U.S. military. She\'s on duty in A.P. when she comes in contact with Aliens. She must c...

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