电影网>明星资料馆>Gail Youngs




剧情: Scott, a history professor, becomes involved with two time travellers from the year 2586 after making a discovery in an old photograph. One of the time travelle...


Belizaire the Cajun

剧情: 西德 1987-01-08  1987|美国 1986-06-13  1986ba2 Priest: ...and for your penance say the Rosary five times. Now make a good Act of ...

The Last Days of Frank and Jesse James

剧情: This movie looks at the last years (not days, as implied in the title) of famous outlaws, Frank and Jesse James. The film opens in 1877 with the brothers trying...

Samaritan: The Mitch Snyder Story

剧情: Fact-based story about Mitch Snyder (Martin Sheen), a Washington crusader for the homeless, who took their case to Congress. Working for the Community for Creat...



剧情: 本片系《希区柯克剧场》故事的重拍版,内有四个故事。Pilot for the remake of the 1950\'-1960\'s TV series introduces four episodes which were remakes of the original episodes from the orig...


Hockey Night

剧情: When a young girl wants to join her high school\'s hockey team as goalie, she meets with resistence, but also gets support, especially from the star forward of ...


剧情: 本片的故事堪称《凡夫俗子》的西部版,描述美国西部的一个小农场发生了一宗人伦悲剧,小男孩意外开枪杀死了他所崇拜的哥哥,自此无法面对现实生活,全家人也陷入愁云惨雾之中。沉默和一连串的误会几乎使这个家分崩难析,但最后经过大家的努力终于让他们出走出悲剧的阴影。这显然不是一个可以讨好观众的题材,但导演克里斯托弗.凯恩拍得十分细腻...


剧情: 美国 1984-09-18  1984|英国 1985-04-27  1985|法国 1988-01-07  1988|瑞典 1992-02-03  1992advertisement ...

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