电影网>明星资料馆>Joe Yule



Nazi Agent

剧情: 美国 1942-01-21  1942 (premiere)

Grand Central Murder

剧情: A convict being escorted in for retrial escapes at Grand Central and threatens his old girlfriend on the phone. She flees for her new beau\'s private railcar at...


剧情: Set during WW I, Palmer and Hayden team up as vaudeville artists. Harry Palmer deliberately injures his hand to avoid being drafted to the army. Later, he makes...


Sucker List

剧情: 美国 1941-07-26  1941

Blonde Inspiration

剧情: 美国 1941-02-07  1941advertisement Regina Mason: Father, why don\'t you stand up for yourself; are you a man or a mouse? Reginald Mason...

I'll Wait for You

剧情: 美国 1941-05-16  1941


剧情: 英文简短剧情:   中文剧情:   日本 1953-01-22  1953|奥地利 1951-09-21  1951|西德 1951-03-31  1951|芬兰 1944-05-14  1944|瑞...

The Wild Man of Borneo

剧情: 美国 1941-01-24  1941advertisement Francine Diamond: There ain\'t no flies on me! J. Daniel Thompson: You can\'t blame the flies, Franc...

The Get-Away

剧情: 美国 1941-06-13  1941


剧情: 詹姆斯.斯图尔特与海蒂.拉玛合演的浪漫传奇片,故事设计得相当刻意,但导演克拉伦斯.布朗拍得流畅自然,男女主角的对手戏更碰出了热情的火花,变成一部相当好看的电影。剧情描述海蒂.拉玛是富婆,因为逃避欧战而搬到美国居住,但她跟出版商伊安亨特发生了冲突,亨特向政府告密,使她面临被驱逐出境的命运。于是她跟穷作家詹姆斯.斯图尔特假...

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