电影网>明星资料馆>Joe Yule




剧情: Hafiz, a rascally beggar on the periphery of the court of Baghdad, schemes to marry his daughter to royalty and to win the heart of the queen of the castle hims...

Nothing But Trouble

剧情: Working as chef and butler, the boys wreck a fancy dinner party and, in the process, accidently foil a plot, by enemy agents, to poison a young exiled king. W...


剧情: A sailor helps two sisters start up a service canteen. The sailor soon becomes taken with gorgeous sister Jean, unaware that her sibling Patsy is also in love w...


剧情: 名导演弗雷德.津尼曼刚出道时拍摄的战争冒险片,描写七名战俘从纳粹集中营逃亡后,集中营的司令官在七棵树上钉了木字架,要将他们抓回来后一一钉死,最后只剩下一个十字架空着,那就是逃亡到中立国荷兰的斯潘塞.特蕾西。他在被囚禁期间看尽人生百态,也遭遇到朋友出卖,本以为对人性的险恶已经不存信心,但在逃亡过程中得到各种帮助,使他逐渐...



剧情: Turned down when they try to enlist, the boys do the next best thing and become air raid wardens. They uncover and foil a Nazi plot to sabotage a magnesium plan...


剧情: Talented small-town girl Lily Mars hounds producer John Thornway for a part in his new play, but he doesn\'t want anything to do with stage-struck amateurs. But...

Swing Shift Maisie

剧情: 美国 1943-09-09  1943 (New York City, New York)|美国 1943-10-01  1943


剧情: 美国 1945-06-11  1945 (TV premiere)|瑞典 1947-07-25  1947|芬兰 1991-07-09  1991

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