电影网>明星资料馆>Ellie McBride



Makai tenshô: Jigoku-hen

剧情: 日本 1997-02-27  1997


剧情: 明治十年,剑心、弥彦、阿薰、左之助一行乘火车来至横滨,甫至此地,便因与几个骚扰年轻女子的外国士兵发生争端,且因此结识了正直的武士时雨泷魁,他们很快成为好朋友。    时政治格局仍动荡不安,诸多反抗明治的志士不断向政府机关以及外国大使馆发动袭击。而时雨正是所谓“新维新”运动的领导者,明治以前,他曾是...


剧情: Following in the aftermath of a terrible Demon-Human war, turn of the century Japan is preparing a new fighting force in case the demons decide to return. A...

Tekken: The Motion Picture

剧情: Kazuya Mishima: [To Jun] You don\'t know me, and I don\'t know what you want, but you can\'t change my mind. Tomorrow I\'m killing my father. Stay out of my way...


Boku no Marie

剧情: Hiroshi: [loudly, in a noodle bar] I can have ladies\' undies delivered to my home! Hibiki: If you don\'t do it with me now you\'re gonna spend the rest of ...

City Hunter: Secret Service

剧情: Ryo Saeba, the famed \"City Hunter,\" has been hired by James McGuire, the president-elect of a newly-freed South American country, to protect one of the member...

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