


The Come Up

剧情: 美国 2006-06-16  2006



剧情: 黑人青年马库斯(50分 饰)出生在著名的贫民窟——纽约皇后区的牙买加南边街区,那里是个大毒窟,街角随处可见古柯碱交易买卖,从降生之日起,马库斯的生活就倍受磨难,爸爸在童年的成长记忆中自动消失,妈妈只顾一心贩毒,从来没有真正关心过他。8岁时,妈妈被人放瓦斯毒死,12岁时,马库斯继承母业踏上贩毒不归路,每天下午都瞒...

The Infamous Times

剧情: 美国 2005-03-03  2005

BBQ Pool Party

剧情: 美国 2005-09-06  2005

The Game: Documentary

剧情: 美国 2005-05-03  2005

The MC: Why We Do It

剧情: "The MC: Why We Do It" takes a look inside the world of Hip Hop and MCs to explore the issues and concerns that define todays most popular music form. T...

Stars on Trial

剧情: It\'s the ultimate courtroom travesty - MuchMusic style. Watch as our jurors uncover pertinent case information regarding some of the most scandalous and buzz w...

Beef 3

剧情: 美国 2005-11-15  2005

Brain Fart

剧情: "Did I look cool when I did that?" "You know, what I really want to do is knit." These are the things that stars might be thinking while they\'r...

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