电影网>明星资料馆>Ralph Gassmann



Save Angel Hope

剧情: The \'Angel Hope\' of the title is a fictitious nun - a little like Mother Teresa, only much younger and prettier - who works at a fictitious hospital in the So...



剧情: Jens Lienhart is an ambitious business student at St.Gallen University, researching his thesis at Refine Trading, an international oil trading company. Then Bea...


剧情: The demise of airline Swissair in 2001 was a huge blow to Switzerland\'s economy and to the country\'s morale. It was a sad day for Swiss history when the airli...

Love Made Easy

剧情: Until now they have always chewed on the short end of life. Pellini is too small, Mobo a paraplegic, Bowman fat, Gilbert a klutz and Gus a loser. But they are a...


"Island at War"

剧情: Set during the occupation of the Channel Islands during World War II. The story shows how Island life changed overnight after a German invasion. Islanders were ...



剧情: 英国 2003-10-10  2003

Mrs Meitlemeihr

剧情: Mrs Meitlemeihr is a film that dares to ask one of the greatest what-if-questions of the century. What if Hitler didn\'t die in Berlin at the end of the war? Wh...

Dario M.

剧情: Dario has just spent six years in prison for a sexual offense. On the day of his release, he swears that he will never return. The only problem is that Dario do...

"Between the Sheets"

剧情: 瑞典 2006-02-18  2006|芬兰 2005-11-28  2005|葡萄牙 2005-09-01  2005|英国 2003-11-17  2003|爱尔兰 2003-11-17...

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