电影网>明星资料馆>Jerry G. Angelo



Life After

剧情: According to the research of Heaven\'s Section 324, your behavior during the last 24 hours before death reflects your entire-life, and determines your afterlife...


剧情: 马太是个极有魅力的年轻男人,一心只希望自己能永保青春和魅力。在30岁生日的前夜,马太邀请了18岁的大卫来家里,他们是在一个聊天室里相识的。夜里,马太一个人从梦中惊醒。很快他发现屋子里似乎还有其他的东西存在。是大卫还是别的什么潜藏在阴影中……陷入困境的马太尝试着逃脱那片朝他紧逼而来的阴影。他不知道这些鬼影到底是真...


Delta Delta Die!

剧情: At Delta Delta Pi, a small college sorority, the house mother Marilyn Finch teaches her girls to practice cannibalism and they lure unsuspecting men to their la...

To Grandma with Love

剧情: 美国 2003-02-13  2003 (New York International Independent Film and Video)

The Janitor

剧情: 美国 2003-12-28  2003Willis: Can I keep one of her tits? Mr. Growbo: You think a woman wants a relationship with men like us? Lionel: Yeah. ...

The Bourne Identity Crisis

剧情: 美国 2003-07-10  2003

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