电影网>明星资料馆>Jose Rosete



The Damned

剧情: 美国 2006-07-11  2006


剧情: Collectors have been known to go to extreme lengths to get what they want. For Motor Man Dan, the ultimate would be to have his very own serial killer, to fulfi...


剧情:  九位大学在北亚利桑那山开始一个周末假期,但在途中因为危险而被人们警告不要靠近,并相传在山下的森林里一个相似的团体突然集体失踪的恐怖事件。 但那些大学生们却不以为然,然而恶运正在一步一步向他们靠近。当他们在森林里意识到生命受到威胁时,已经为时已晚。一群狂暴的散发着绿血的生物袭击了他们,似乎想把他们吃掉。可那些...


剧情: ◎简  介   (原创翻译)  由于受美国亚利桑那州一直流传着的一种阴暗的因果报应观点的影响,有的人渐渐就会变得心术不正,这种影响就如同难以控制的病毒一般产生大范围的恶性影响。Wilson (Academy Award Nominee Robert ...

The Whistler

剧情: After their grisly murders, a lumberjack and his lover return a year later to enact deadly vengeance on those responsible. Soon, the members of a notorious inne...

Psycho Manor

剧情: 美国 2006-06-10  2006


剧情: In the streets, the biggest betrayal is disloyalty- and the punishment is irrevocable in this high-wire, adrenaline-charged thriller. Henchman to notorious crim...


Life's a Drag

剧情: 美国 2005-02-05  2005

Vampire Slayers

剧情: In the year 2015 vampires are housed in a maximum-security prison. When ten vampires escape and threaten to infect the city, the only way they can be stopped is...

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