电影网>明星资料馆>Christopher Thomas



Love Hurts

剧情: 美国 2007-03-29  2007


剧情:    影片讲述了一个三段式的恐怖故事,背景则是一个被一种奇妙的信号频率逼疯的世界:在特梅纳斯市的新年前夜,任何形式的通信设施,都因为一个高深莫测、谜一般的信号而受到了阻碍,它掠夺走了这个城市中每一个人的恐惧和绝望,迫使了一半的人因为无法抵制的杀戮欲而发了疯,也导致另一半的人因为随时害怕被猎杀而陷入了...

Maid for TV

剧情: 美国 2007-03-29  2007


Prequel Apology Syndrome

剧情: 奥地利 2006-07-19  2006|加拿大 2006-05-12  2006|美国 2006-02-17  2006|德国 2006-02-16  2006

Guest Check

剧情: 美国 2006-02-17  2006

Song for Robbie Miller

剧情: Robbie Miller has dedicated his life to music. But as he nears his mid twenties, he starts to wonder if maybe his band peaked in high school. After he unwitting...

Tromeo with a Twist

剧情: 美国 2006-08-22  2006


The Dubya

剧情: Terrorist alert levels. Racial profiling. The Patriot Act. Since 9/11, the United States federal government has been very active in protecting America from addi...


The Audit

剧情: In the tradition of "Dilbert" and "Office Space", this comedic DV short focuses on the hell that is corporate America. The KoKo-Nut Company has ...


剧情: Robert (Danny Fendley) is a recently release mental patient that imagins and visualizes his deadly nemesis so vividly the the man, Vernon (Jay Pearson) becomes ...

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