London Freeman

London Freeman
London Freeman
  • 介       绍
    As a 4th generation member of the film industry London Freeman basically grew up on set. By the age of 7 she joined SAG/AFTRA and has been fortunate enough to work on many great TV and Film projects. Now that London is old enough to work on the production end she is enjoying the transition behind the camera. London is currently a Finance Major at UC Irvine. She hopes to work her way up through the ranks from PA to Production Management and eventually Producing and/or Distributing someday.
    As a 4th generation member of the film industry London Freeman basically grew up on set. By the age of 7 she joined SAG/AFTRA and has been fortunate enough to work on many great TV and Film projects. Now that London is old enough to work on the production end she is enjoying the transition behind the camera. London is currently a Finance Major at UC Irvine. She hopes to work her way up through the ranks from PA to Production Management and eventually Producing and/or Distributing someday.


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