
黄飞鸿义救卖鱼灿Wong Fei-hung rescues the fishmonger
仙鹤神针大结局The secret book, concluding episode
蛇女飞魔Dangerous marriage
马陵道Thevalley of death
武当七侠The seven knights of Wudang
我要活下去We want to live
黄飞鸿大破金钟罩How Wong Fei-hung subdued the invincible armour
黄飞鸿沙面伏神犬How Wong Fei-hung vanquished the ferocious dog in Shamian
神偷情贼(上集) The conspirators, part one
杀人王大战扭计深The man killer against the tricky man
生死同心Life and death together
神偷情贼(下集大结局) The conspirators, part two
刀剑缘Match of the knife and the sword, part one
剑姑七友奇遇记Strange happening to the swordswoman and her seven friends
碧波仙侣A mermaid\'s love
碧血恩仇万古情The feud
抢新郎Husband hunters
黄飞鸿醒狮会麒麟How Wong Fei-hung pitted a lion against the unicorn
黄飞鸿独臂斗五龙How Wong Fei-hung fought five dragons single-handedly
黄飞鸿义救龙母庙Wong Fei-hung saved the Dragon\'s Mother Temple
黄飞鸿怒吞十二狮How Wong Fei-hung vanquished the twelve lions
黄飞鸿官山大贺寿Wong Fei-hung goes to a birthday party at Guanshan /
黄飞鸿夜探黑龙山How Wong Fei-hung spied on Black Dragon Hill at night
黄飞鸿天后庙进香Wong Fei-hung\'s pilgrimage to Goddess of the Sea Temple
仙鹤神针(下集) The secret book, part two
黄飞鸿铁鸡斗蜈蚣Wong Fei-hung\'s story : Iron Cock against Centipede
碧血金钗The azure blood and the golden pin, part one
啼笑姻缘A tale of laughter and tears
双剑盟(下集) Crossed swords, part two
水浒传:智取生辰纲The water margin: booty captured
烽火佳人The tormented beauty
双剑盟Crossed swords
龙凤剑(上集) The Dragon Phoenix Sword, part one
龙凤剑(大结局) The Dragon Phoenix Sword, concluding episode
鸳鸯刀(大结局) The mandarin swords, concluding episode
鸳鸯刀(上集) The mandarin swords, part one
邻家有女初长成The girl next door
银凤Silver phoenix
白发魔女传(下集) Story of the white-haired demon girl, part 2
白发魔女传(上集) Story of the White-haired Demon Girl, part one
勾魂使者The fascinating messenger
碧血金钗大结局The azure blood and the golden pin, concluding episode
碧血金钗三集The azure blood and the golden pin, part three
碧血金钗下集The azure blood and the golden pin, part two
雪花神剑大结局The mighty snow sword, concluding episode
雪花神剑三集The mighty snow sword, part three
第七号司机Driver no. 7
黄飞鸿擂台比武Wong Fei-hung at a boxing match
黄飞鸿威震四牌楼Wong Fei-hung\'s victory at the Sipai Lou
黄飞鸿花艇风云Wong Fei-hung and the courtesan\'s boat argument
黄飞鸿古寺救情僧How Wong Fei-hung saved the lovelorn monk from the ancient monastery
黄飞鸿水底三擒苏鼠廉How Wong Fei-hung thrice captured So Shu-lim in the water
黄飞鸿大战双门底Wong Fei-hung\'s battle at Shuangmendi
黄飞鸿大闹佛山Wong Fei-hung\'s fight in Foshan
黄飞鸿七狮会金龙How Wong Fei-hung pitted seven lions against the gold dragon
无情大海有情天The woman in between
寒夜Itwasacold winter night
射雕英雄传Story of the vulture conqueror
家家户户Mutual understanding
高君保私探营房刘金定力斩四门Ko Kwan-bo, a spy in the fort Lau Kam-ting\'s clash at the gate
后窗Backyard adventures
南海拳王夜盗梅花马How the boxer from Nanhai stole the dappled horse at night
信陵君窃符救赵The tiger tally
长生塔Theimmortality pagoda
西厢记Romance at the Western Chamber
白发魔女传(三集大结局) Story of the White-haired Demon Girl, the concluding episode
半剑一铃A broken sword, part one
仙女戏魔王How the fairy girl trumped the king of demons
小老虎Theyoung tiger

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