


The Matrix Recalibrated

剧情: The making of Matrix Revolutions, The (2003) is briefly touched on here in this documentary. Interviews with various cast and crew members inform us how they we...

TV in Black: The First Fifty Years

剧情: In this extraordinary show the uniquely Black perspective inside the History of Television is explored and celebrated. From Comedy to Politics to Drama, the rol...

The Burly Man Chronicles

剧情: This mammoth documentary takes use through the making of both _Matrix Reloaded, The (2003)_ and The Matrix Revolutions (2003). On top of seeing many pre-product...


剧情: 美国 2004-06-26  2004Samuel L. Jackson: I\'m an actor. I\'m a nice guy. But the first thing you need to know about me is I\'m a nigga. And if you m...



剧情: 假若明天这场战争能够结束?难道不值得为之战斗吗?难道不值得为之牺牲吗?   当尼奥提出墨菲斯和崔妮蒂以前都问过的问题时,他做出了一个代价很大的决定,他要寻找并接受真相,将他的灵魂从母体中释放。   一切都从“选择”开始。   现在,当人类最后的城市锡安陷入机器军队的包围时,尼奥充分发挥了他的超...


剧情: 面对如潮的电子乌贼,人类城市危在旦夕,墨菲斯和崔妮蒂等欲与入侵者决一死战。此时,“救世主”尼奥的身体和思想却意外分离,后者再度陷入到“母体”中。墨菲斯和崔妮蒂也不得不带着尼奥的身体,回到“母体”和守护天使一起寻找他。一场大战之后,守护天使、病毒双胞胎等皆阵亡,而尼奥却在找到先知之后一无所获……   锡安的...

Friendly Fire: Making an Urban Legend

剧情: John Singleton directed the movie Boyz n the Hood at the age of 22, from a script that he wrote. Friendly Fire: Making an Urban Legend documents how the film ca...

Crash Course

剧情: 美国 2003-10-14  2003

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