


"My Dad the Rock Star"

剧情: Being the son of the world famous rock star, Rock Zilla, may sound wonderful for most people, but Willy has a different opinion. All he wants is a normal life a...

"200 Greatest Pop Culture Icons"

剧情: 美国 2003-07-21  2003


剧情: 冰岛 2003-11-21  2003[Repeated line, between segments.] Announcer: Quick! What else we got? Announcer: [repeated line before challenges] PLA...


剧情: 剧情简介一部已故黑人说唱歌手图派克·谢库尔(tupacshakur)生平的纪录片。这部影片用他生前的演唱会和家庭录像的镜头结集而成。制作背景图派克·沙克是美国著名说唱歌手,1996年被枪杀的时候年仅25岁,至今此案尚未尘埃落定。图派克生前就已经有巨大影响,他的死更是激起了人们--尤其是他的歌迷们无与伦比的热情。此前,已...


Still Cher

剧情: 英国 2002-01-01  2002

Wish You Were Dead

剧情: 阿根廷 2002-08-14  2002|美国 2002-05-21  2002

American Bandstand's 50th Anniversary Celebration

剧情: While the program had its first national broadcast in 1957, it actually started as a local music show playing out of Philadelphia in 1952, technically making 20...

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