


Antena Criminal: Making a Jess Franco Movie

剧情: A behind-the-scenes look at the creation of "Blind Target", Jesus Franco\'s story of a woman who becomes a celebrity in America with her exposure of the...


剧情:      一位叫约翰的男人,正当他的事业处于低谷时得到一名女子罗莎的帮助。罗莎为了他甚至付出了肉体的代价,让约翰的事业取得了巨大的成功。但后来,为了争夺女儿反目成仇,两人之间发生了一系列的争斗……


剧情: “ 巴比杀手”是一个到处演出的乐队,他们经常开着汽车循环演出。 有一次,他们误入了一座黑色的森林,车子抛锚了,被迫到附近一个城堡中借宿。 岂料,堡中主人是长生不老,靠吸年轻人的血液来维持生命的老女人。 因此,乐队成员危在旦夕……德国 2003-09-29  2003|西班牙 ...


"Once Upon a Time in Europe"

剧情: The end of the fifties through to the mid-seventies witnessed an explosion in genre cinema throughout Europe. This coincided with the appearance of several new ...


Call Him Jess

剧情: Jesus (or Jess) Franco is one of the great names in B movies. With a number of pseudonyms (Clifford Brown, David Khunne, etc...) and a filmography including ove...

Blind Target

剧情: Blind Target is the story of a young woman who emigrated from the poor tiny Latin American country of San Hermoso only to strike it rich and famous as an author...

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