



剧情: 灿烂的阳光很快被寒冷残暴的疾风替代,当温度急速下降时,行星地球进入另一冰河时期,在担任主角Fahey和ErikaEleniak的感受到了即将来临的灾难的恐怖。随着第二次冰河时期的迹象出现,科学家DavidKotzmon(Fahey)博士必须想出一个计划去保护地球和生长的所有生物。在他们迈阿密的家园基地陷入可能席卷...


Caught in the Headlights

剧情: A federal agent, Kate Parker arrives in a small rural town to extradite Claire Scott, a young woman suspected of murdering a government scientist. Kate is preve...

Fatal Reunion

剧情: 西班牙 2006-11-04  2006|法国 2006-01-30  2006

"Celebrity Fit Club"

剧情: 英国 2005-03-30  2005Ralphie May: I was sweating like R. Kelly at the Kids Choice Awards. Harvey Walden: So what\'s your claim to fame? Phil...


"The Real Gilligan's Island"

剧情: Reality show that is based on the classic 1960\'s TV show, Gilligan\'s Island. Seven people are dressed and play the parts of the cast of Gilligan\'s Island, na...

Fatal Lessons: The Good Teacher

剧情: A teacher (Erika Eleniak) tutors a student in her home with the intent of taking over the family. Using poisonous herbal teas and other psychological devices, s...


剧情: In a high pressure, high tech research facility on campus\' Elizabeth a promising medical student, works along side with renowned neurosurgeaon, Dr.Dietrich in ...

The Librarians

剧情: 美国 2004-12-10  2004|匈牙利 2003-12-16  2003Agent Simon: We call ourselves The Librarians.


剧情: 当有人问起有什麼方法能够对付吸血鬼的时候,您会想起什麼? 十字架?桃木钉?太阳光? 那麼试想一想,如果在一千年后的未来世界上,您身处于远离地球的外太空宇宙船内,不幸遇上吸血鬼的话,您会有什麼的方法自保?  这个故事发生在西历 3000 年,一艘正在执行救援任务的抢救船在行程中,偶然发现一艘已失踪百...

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