


The Enemy Within

剧情: Colonel Casey discovers what appears to be plans by General Lloyd to use fake military excercises to assist Jack Giddings in his plans to remove President Foste...


剧情: 剧情简介这一年的暑假,比利的美梦成真了!原本就是棒球迷的他继承了祖父的棒球队,决定好好的整顿一番。聪明的比利想到一个好方法,就是让球员重新认识棒球。渐渐地,球员们发现棒球竟是如此的好玩有趣并且乐在其中,疯狂地爱上它。在比利的率领之下,棒球队能不能出击全垒打赢得冠军呢?


剧情: 剧情简介亨利是纽约太阳报的编辑,他的工作教他晨昏颠倒。此际一份大报正向亨利招手,条件优厚,可是工作形式却严肃无味。在往大报见工时,偶而洞悉两名华尔街投资经纪被枪杀真相,与黑帮投资有关。亨利本着新闻道德,决定追寻真相。同时,亨利对头的另一编辑爱丽丝,则以不同取材方针报导,双方各执己见,争执永无休止。


Sam Peckinpah: Man of Iron

剧情: This straight-talking program seeks to understand the enigmatic and controversial Sam Peckinpah, whose violent films such as The Wild Bunch and Straw Dogs had a...

The Roots of Roe

剧情: Abortion and contraception go back thousands of years. So does the question of who should control them. Our attitudes about controlling human reproduction throu...

Classe américaine, La

剧情: George Abitbol (John Wayne), "the Most Classy Man on Earth", dies sputtering his famous last words: "cr*ppy world!" What the heck did he mean? R...


剧情: 安德鲁(汤姆·汉克斯 饰)和米勒(丹泽尔·华盛顿 饰)认识于法庭上,两人都是年轻有为的律师,各为其主。然而,年轻的安德鲁不久后因为同性恋和身染艾滋病被老板发现,以莫须有理由解雇了。 遭解雇后的安德鲁四处寻找律师为他讨回公道。当安德鲁找到米勒时,米勒一开始拒绝了他。因为米勒像普通人一样憎恨同性恋和惧...


剧情: 剧情简介一个淘气的孤儿哈克(依莱亚伍德),与逃犯黑奴吉姆(柯尼文斯)建立了真挚的友谊,他们沿著宽广的密西西比河,展开一段惊险的旅程。途中,吉姆让哈克学习到什么是平等与自由的真义,于是,哈克决定不计一切来帮助他的好友重自由……本片由马克吐温不朽名著「哈克历险记」改编。

The Trial

剧情: Joseph K. awakes one morning, to find two strange men in his room, telling him he has been arrested. Joseph is not told what he is charged with, and despite bei...


剧情: 美国 1993-07-18  1993Klara: We\'ll have school together. Heidi: School? Rottenmeier: Oh yes, you must learn how to read, everyone does. H...

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