



剧情:   男主人带着妻子,以及小孩搬到山顶大道的新家,却不知道其实这里正是一处意外事件的埋葬地点。      很快地,恶灵出现并开始作乱,窗子上,马桶里,令人作呕的黑色泥状物质不断涌出,还有更多令人吃惊的灵异事件接着发生....Jean and Shag Williams locate a newly b...

A Killer Among Friends

剧情: Based on a true story. Jenny Monroe is the perfect daughter. One day she foes out with her friends and does not return. Later, the police arrive to tell her mot...


剧情: 彼德与丽塔是对即将步入礼堂的热恋情侣,然而就在婚礼当天,出现了一位神秘客,他要求给新娘一吻,刹那间所有的事都改变了,令人永难忘怀的神奇之旅,就此展开...A couple fall in love despite the girl\'s pessimistic outlook. As they struggle to ...


Absolute Strangers

剧情: A husband tries to keep his comatose wife alive by allowing doctors to terminate her pregnancy. Hearing about this, anti-abortion protesters start a legal campa...


Call Me Anna

剧情: 美国 1990-11-11  1990

Always Remember I Love You

剧情: Just after he turns sixteen, Robert finds out that he is adopted. His parents find to their horror that he was kidnaped from his real parents. They decide to te...


Amityville: The Evil Escapes

剧情: The demonic force lurking in Amityville for over 300 years escapes to a remote California mansion. It encounters a struggling family living together by uncertai...


剧情: 根据真实故事改编。 18个月大的德克萨斯州小女孩杰西卡·麦克卢尔在玩耍时候落入了后院里的排水管。她被卡在排水管中20至30英尺的地方,救援人员小心翼翼,为了不让救援器械的震动杰西卡落入更深的地方。 整个国家都在注视着这次救援行动。最后救援人员花了58小时把杰西卡成功救出。Based on the true story ...

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