The Jesse Owens Story (1984)

  • 美国
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  • 传记  运动
The Jesse Owens Story
  • 片       名The Jesse Owens...
  • 上映时间1984年07月09日(美国)
  • 导       演 Richard Ir...
  • 又       名The Jesse Owens Story
  • 编       剧 Harold Gas...


  • [on hearing that Jesse had received $000 from an unknown benefactor in 1936] Lew Gilbert: What is the straight story behind that money, Mr. Owens? Jesse Owens: You want the truth? I was paid $000 to support Alfred M. Landon's campaign againt Franklin D. Roosevelt. Lew Gilbert: Were you ashamed of that? Jesse Owens: Some people thought I should be, but I wasn't. Celebrities endorse cigarettes, banks, automobiles. Why was it wrong for me to endorse a Republican? Besides, it wasn't just for the money. I believed Landon would be better for the Black man. Lew Gilbert: What made you think so? Jesse Owens: Adolf Hitler made my name a household word when he wouldn't shake hands with me. President Roosevelt didn't shake hands with me, either. Governor Landon did. Mel Walker: Being a champion meant staying at the same hotel as the White athletes, at least in New York. It did not mean going in the *front* door. [Black athletes entering through loading dock and riding in freight elevator to their rooms] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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