"The Black Donnellys" (2007)

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"The Black Donnellys"


  • advertisement [last lines] Joey Ice Cream: That was the Donnellys. They could never make it more than a block outta the neighborhood. Tommy Donnelly: Kevin, I need to talk to you. Kevin Donnelly: Now? But I'm eating my cereal. Tommy Donnelly: What, is it going to get cold? Kevin Donnelly: No, soggy. I hate it when that happens. Tommy Donnelly: We're gonna need some Scotch and a lot of it. But we're not gonna be able to pay for it just yet. Liquor Store Owner: Get outta here. Tommy Donnelly: I think you're gonna wanna give it to us. Liquor Store Owner: Oh yeah? And why's that? Tommy Donnelly: Because your daughter has a crush on Kevin. He's gonna date her if you don't. Liquor Store Owner: [face drops] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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