Sharpe's Mission (2006)

  • 英国
Sharpe's Mission
  • 片       名Sharpe's Missio...
  • 上映时间1996年05月15日(英国)
  • 导       演 汤姆·克雷格


  • Wellington: I'd be obliged if you'd show that fellow Shellington around the camp. I can't spare another officer. Sharpe: Yes sir. Wellington: Oh, and Sharpe, you better brace yourself. He's a poet. Sharpe: Poet, sir? My wife will be delighted. Wellington: Really? Personally I'd rather call for the surgeon and have him cut off my goddamn foot with a saw. [Shellington has passed out from seeing the dead bodies] Ross: What are we going to do with him, Sharpe? Sharpe: Send him home, sir. Ross: Home? He'll need an escort. Sharpe: Send two of Brand's men back with him. They know the terrain. Gives us a perfect excuse for bringing Brand back. Ross: What if he doesn't want to go back to Wellington's camp? Sharpe: Oh, he'll want to, sir. Shellington: [coming around] Where am I? Sharpe (to Ross): Might even try to seduce my wife. Jane: Why would you follow him to the death? Harris: Loyalty! We're loyal to him and he's loyal to us. In life and in death. We trust him with our lives and he trusts us with his life. Jane: And with his wife. He trusts you with his wife. [Harris is confined to camp pending a murder inquiry] Sharpe: Harris, until this matter is resolved, you're my responsibility. Now while I'm on this mission, you will act as manservant to my wife. Harris: You're letting a suspected murderer look after your wife, sir? Sharpe: Harris, I am posting you to my household as I would post you to a position on a battlefield. Harris: [saluting and smiling] Yes, sir! [Brand is found guilty of six murders. After being goaded by Brand, Sharpe hits him in the chest and he falls back into a deep well to his death] Ross: Did you see that, Harper? Harper: Who me, sir? No, I saw nothing, sir. Ross: Did you see what happened to Col. Brand? Harper: Oh, he's a funny fish, sir. I just saw him jump head-long into the wishing well. Why do you think he'd want to do something like that, sir? Ross: Thank you, Harper. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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