


More Than Puppy Love

剧情: This is the story of a girl, her dog, and a man who needs to regain his self-reliance. Curtis Peterson, a strong, vital man in his late twenties, and his wife M...

Christy: The Movie

剧情: 瑞典 2006-04-22  2006|匈牙利 2005-09-07  2005|美国 2000-11-19  2000

"Strong Medicine"

剧情: Dr. Luisa Delgado ran the South Philly Women\'s Clinic so that poor women could get the medical help they needed. Dr. Dana Stowe did medical research on cancer ...

Can't Be Heaven

剧情: 美国 2000-12-05  2000

Best Actress

剧情: Ted, a recently murdered writer for a Hollywood tabloid magazine, narrates his story about the five sordid and scandalous lives of five actresses nominated for ...

Sharing the Secret

剧情: 德国 2005-11-06  2005|意大利 2005-05-26  2005|法国 2002-02-15  2002


剧情: 格温·卡明丝是纽约的一名颇有成就的女作家,同时也是当地各类聚会上的常客,从舞厅到酒吧,她和她的男友加斯珀喜欢在酗酒的麻醉中放纵自己而毫无顾忌。直到有一天,由于她的不雅举动在姐姐的婚礼上出了丑,被送往了一家医院强制戒酒。 在那里,格温面对着各种约束她的条条框框十分不自在,身为一个个性十足的都市女孩,她决意不去理会遵守这...



剧情: 本片是根据全美最畅销小说改编,而此影片影射政坛人物之大胆令人咋舌。杰克·史坦顿是某南方州长,他天生具有的政治家的风格,对人热诚真心,喜欢与小市民交往接触,更善于在女人之间周旋,但只可惜个性平庸懦弱,当他面对长袖善舞、强悍的妻子时只能乖乖就范。凭着他稳健的风度及对问题独到的见解,在1992年民主党总统初选时,大部...

The Staircase

剧情: 美国 1998-04-12  1998

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