电影网>明星资料馆>Jason Marsden



"House of Mouse"

剧情: 冰岛 2004-09-19  2004|英国 2001-05-08  2001|美国 2001-01-13  2001Mickey: Now, I wanna remind everyone of the House of Mou...

"The Legend of Tarzan"

剧情: Picking up where the film left off, Tarzan is reunited with his animal family while assuming greater responsibilities as the successor to Kerchak. Tarzan, now k...


剧情: 超人、蝙蝠侠、神力女超人、闪电侠、鹰女、火星猎人和绿幻侠一共7名超级英雄组成有史以来地球上最为强大的团队,共同对抗外星人的入侵,一起保卫地球消灭来犯的外星人,巫师,超级恶棍以及各种可能出现的威胁! 本片由DCComic推出,经由时代华纳出品,在欧美动画市场上有着巨大的影响。其中超人和蝙蝠侠的画风...


剧情:   为了要抢攻庞大的电玩市场,克莱顿电玩公司重金召集了一群电玩设计高手,要他们设计出最最灵异骇人的电脑格斗游戏-邪恶帝国,并且提供一百万的奖金,要求在一个月内完成。      为了抢得高额的奖金,他们绞尽脑汁地设计出一套能让玩家体验虚拟实境的战袍。不过一次意外的电击竟赋予电脑主机生命,更惊人的是-主...

"The Fairly OddParents"

剧情: Timmy Turner is an average 10-year old boy who wishes for a perfect life. Unfortunately, he has parents who work full time, like most kids, and while they are o...

"Invader ZIM"

剧情: Invader ZIM is an eccentric alien soldier from the planet Irk. He was banished from the Irken Empire after nearly destroying his home planet on an early mission...



剧情: It\'s a big time in Max\'s life. He\'s college bound with his friends and finally free of his embarrassing father as he strives to be a top contender for the X-...

"The Weekenders"

剧情: To a kid, every weekend is precious, so each time the final bell rings Friday afternoon, Tino, Tish, Carver, and Lor try to make the most out of the short freed...

"Static Shock"

剧情: In Dakota City, Virgil Hawkins is an ordinary kid who gets into big trouble, which gets him pressured into joining a street gang. That night, Virgil\'s gang has...

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