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The Greatest Short Film Ever!!!

剧情: 美国 2004-08-19  2004


剧情:   奇妙而可爱的菲力猫刚刚带着它的魔力百宝袋从奥莉尼纳王国回来,那是一个和我们生活在同一个空间的不同国度,那里有着非常不可思议的人和动物,菲力猫在那里经历了一次神奇而惊险的旅行。   奥莉尼纳王国由公主奥莉尼纳统治着,不久前,她的父亲,也就是国王刚刚去世,留给了奥莉尼纳一本魔法书和一个关于时空转换器的秘密。奥莉尼...

The Fairly OddParents in: Channel Chasers

剧情: Timmy wishes for a magic remote control that will allow him to travel inside television, despite being grounded and facing pressure from his parents not to watc...

Tales of a Fly on the Wall

剧情: The expression uttered mischievously throughout the world, "If only I were a fly on the wall" is personified in this truly original, hilariously irrever...


剧情: 圣诞之夜,米妮(Russi Taylor 配音)作为嘉年华的明星滑入溜冰场,失望的黛西(Tress MacNeille 配音)想方设法破坏米妮的演出,以显露自己的才华。两个好姐妹反目成仇,展开一场虚荣和自尊的较量;圣诞前夜,三个小外甥捣蛋非常,史高治叔叔(Alan Young 配音)说他们恐怕无法得到圣诞老人的...

The Fairly OddParents in School's Out! The Musical

剧情: Ten year-old Timmy Turner and his friends are about to enjoy a summer filled with mess, mayhem, and music. But when the adults of Dimmsdale say enough is enough...

The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour

剧情: Fourth in a set of Nickelodeon series crossovers, it\'s science vs. magic as Timmy Turner (Tara Strong) who\'s destined to fail at science class wishes he had t...

"The Batman"

剧情: A young Bruce Wayne is in his third year of trying to establish himself as Batman, protector of Gotham City. Living in Gotham, a metropolis where shadows run lo...


The Fairly OddParents in: Abra Catastrophe!

剧情: It\'s Timmy\'s (Tara Strong) first Fairy-Versary and Cosmo (Daran Norris) and Wanda (Susan Blakeskee) give Timmy a rule-free wish muffin which means whoever eat...

The Art of 'Spirited Away'

剧情: The people that brought the film Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001) (a.k.a. "Spirited Away") to the US explain how it was converted into English, with...

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