电影网>明星资料馆>Ichgola Androgyn



Tunten lügen nicht

剧情: Bosom buddies BeV StroganoV, Ovo Maltine, Ichgola Androgyn and Tima die Göttliche are four Berlin drag queens who met in the mid 1980s. These four queens b...

Pfui, Rosa!

剧情: Celebrating his 60th birthday, director Rosa Von Praunheim presents interviews with friends, co workers, former lovers, together with scenes from many of his be...


Neurosia - 50 Jahre pervers

剧情: Neurosia is the autobiography of the director Rosa von Praunheim. The movie begins with Rosa presenting his autobiography in a movie theater. Before the film be...


Ich bin meine eigene Frau

剧情: The life story of Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, born Lothar Berflede. Miss Charlotte survived the Nazi reign and the repression of the Communists as a transvestite a...


Drei Drachen vom Grill

剧情: Part 1: Faerbers' snack grill is doing well, but Gran wants to retire. Margot makes a horrible discovery: her husband Egon is cheating on her. She observes him ...


Virus kennt keine Moral, Ein

剧情: 西德 1986-01-16  1986|美国 1987-06-19  1987|哥伦比亚 2001-07-04  2001

Anita - Tänze des Lasters

剧情: In modern-day Berlin (1987), Frau Kutowski goes insane, believing herself to be the (real-life) notorious Anita Berber, a nude art dancer/drug addict/scandalous...

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