电影网>明星资料馆>Daniel Chacón




剧情:   一个贩卖和杜撰充满了智慧的假新闻的新闻网站,真的够得上一部电影作品的含量了吗?到了影片的那个被扭曲了的世界里,新闻网站终于“转正”,变身成为“洋葱台”,是全世界新闻的最主要来源。每天夜里,新闻主播诺姆·阿彻都会准时与你相约小荧屏,报道各式各样的新闻事件,既有唱着性暗示极强的歌曲的流行歌手,也有缺胳膊断腿的美国曲棍球...


Lost Angeles

剧情: Lost Angeles is a ground breaking digital short film (19min) that explores the day to day survival of the working immigrant. The film begins at a center for day...

Quality of Life

剧情: Meet Michael "Heir" Rosario, the most prolific and talented graffiti writer from the Mission District in San Francisco. At age ten, in a desperate searc...


The Duel

剧情: A satire set in 1899, Spain. Young Juan Antonio has been challenged to defend the honor of the beautiful yet devilish Carmen, by Señor Maximiliano, a decor...


Runnin' at Midnite

剧情: 美国 2001-10-26  2001Officer Izzy: "Carlos, listen to me. I know about Roman and all. There isn\'t anything you can do about that, you hear me?...


Eyeball Eddie

剧情: "Eyeball Eddie" is the story of the stormy relationship between a prosthetic glass eye and the insecure boy stuck behind it. What follows is a dark come...

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