电影网>明星资料馆>Terence Locke



Goodnight, Sweet Marilyn

剧情: Gladys Baker: The tomcats are after you! That\'s how it is, baby! Ralph Johnson: She had kind of a *homey* quality. Medical Doctor: You know, when we\'r...


Which Way Is Up?

剧情: Richard Pryor is playing three different roles here. The first being a poor orange picker named Leroy Jones who gets laid off when by mistake he joins the worke...

The Incredible Hulk

剧情: David Banner, a research scientist who is haunted by the death of his wife whom he couldn\'t save in a car accident is researching how to tap the hidden reserve...


剧情:   主角们是一群在核战爆发后仍然幸存的核弹基地工作人员,虽然他们的基地很幸运的没被攻击,但对外的联络也断绝了,认为生还无望的指挥官因而意志消沉终日藉酒消愁,身为副手的男主角金麦可文生只好取而代之成为众人的意见领袖,但是一直在基地守到老死不是办法,于是众人拖着意兴阑珊的指挥官,驾驶12轮水陆装甲车Landmaster,准...


"Captains and the Kings"

剧情: 美国 1976-09-30  1976|荷兰 1977-01-13  1977|1980-03-21  1980

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