电影网>明星资料馆>Donn Markel



Hidden Places

剧情: When Eliza\'s father-in-law dies suddenly during the Depression, she is left with two young children, an unharvested orange crop on a heavily mortgaged farm, an...


Teed Off

剧情: National Lampoon invites you to play a round with television and film star David Leisure and his hilarious troupe of not-ready-for-tee-time players as they pull...


剧情: When a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic stops taking his medication, he struggles to decipher reality from delusion. The situation becomes dire when he returns ...

Teed Off: Behind the Tees

剧情: 美国 2005-09-20  2005David Leisure: "... it was great working with such a tight crew, which is of course good testimony to Spiderwood Productio...


Swollen Shadows

剧情: Swollen Shadows is a short film about a young woman who chooses to sacrifice her own life in order to save her mother from the hands of her abusive ex-boyfriend...

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