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The Apocalypse Watch

剧情: When Drew\'s brother, a CIA field agent, is killed on one of his missions, he sets out to pursue the assignment himself in order to get to the killers. Only Dre...


剧情: 古希腊神话相传自然界的四大元素:风,火,水,土,它们各自有一块代表的神石。这四块元素神石连同第五元素,被蒙督沙瓦人在1914年带离了地球。300年后,23世纪,地球面临着一场浩劫。蒙督沙瓦人带着第五元素和四大元素神石重返地球,以帮助地球度过劫数。可惜携有第五元素的飞船却被另一外星人孟加罗人击落了。地球人仅获得第...


剧情: 英国海军的德文郡号军舰在中国领海内被炸毁,英国秘密情报处处长M夫人派邦德执行任务:找出军舰、除掉主凶,并调查令人捉摸不定的媒体大亨“艾略特卡佛”;此次邦德将碰上与他曾有一段情的媒体大亨之妻,更与中国的女情报员林慧携手合作…… Elloit Carver is an egotistical media ba...


Soul Survivors

剧情: Otis Cooke (Ian McShane) is a British DJ with a late-night American soul music program in Liverpool. His favorite band, The Tallahassees, disbanded years ago, b...


Riders of the Storm

剧情: A group of Vietnam vets disturbs television programs from a B-29 airplane. They want to sabotage Mrs Westinghouse\'s political campaign who is running for the S...


剧情: 商人弗兰克在到达英国的纽卡斯尔后,决定大力着手于他的生意,并且想把整个城市控制在自己手中,凯特是他雇来的美女,用来收买当地的高官……Brendan takes a job as janitor for Finney, who runs a jazz nightclub in the Northern English c...

American Roulette

剧情: Carlos Quintas, the democratically-elected president of an unnamed South American country, has been deposed by a military coup. He is in London, the head of a g...


Coast to Coast

剧情: Two guys meet, one American, a deserter from the US army, one Brit, and they are drawn together by their mutual love of Soul music. Neither being gainfully empl...



剧情:   记者尼克穆伦与维南贝礼斯接获匿名者提供的政治丑闻内幕,指称议员丹尼斯马克韩是与苏联秘密警察有所接触的间谍。虽然此指控的证据有限,迪斯派日报为求独家仍事先向大众报导此事件,引发马克韩辞去议员一职。当尼克专研马克韩事件之际,维南却有不同的看法。在维南突然死亡后,尼克才发现整个事件涉及层面更深,而维南是因为知道太多而导致...

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