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剧情: 第一次世界大战期间,陆军上尉克罗宁在难得休假中邂逅了芭蕾舞女郎玛拉,两人坠入爱河并互订终身,然而征召令提前到来,使得这对战火鸳鸯多受爱的煎熬;克罗宁未道别便赶赴战场,后来玛拉以为爱人已战死沙场,伤心之余沦落风尘。战后玛拉与克罗宁意外相逢,她自觉形秽无法继续这份恋情,最后玛拉在两人初识的滑铁卢桥上车祸身亡,战火下...


It Happened in Hollywood

剧情: 美国 1937-09-07  1937


The White Angel

剧情: 美国 1936-06-25  1936 (New York City, New York)|美国 1936-07-04  1936|丹麦 1936-11-26  1936|芬兰 1936-11-26  ...


剧情: Blake is in love with an aristocratic woman whose husband seriously injures him. Blake\'s friendship with Lord Nelson provides the basis for Blake\'s part in th...


Bonnie Scotland

剧情: Stan and Ollie stowaway to Scotland expecting to inherit the MacLaurel estate. However Stan\'s inheritance amounts to a set of bagpipes and a snuff box. The boy...

Werewolf of London

剧情: While on a botanical expedition in Tibet Dr. Wilfred Glendon (Henry Hull) is attacked in the dark by a strange animal. Returning to London, he finds himself tur...

A Feather in Her Hat

剧情: 美国 1935-10-25  1935

Clive of India

剧情: 美国 1935-01-17  1935 (New York City, New York)|美国 1935-01-25  1935|法国 1935-05-02  1935|丹麦 1935-10-30  ...


Limehouse Blues

剧情: 美国 1934-12-11  1934|丹麦 1935-01-28  1935advertisement Inspector Sheridan: Fond of cats, aren\'t you, Young? Harry Young...

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