电影网>明星资料馆>Elias Pate



Killer at Large

剧情: Himself - U.S. Surgeon General, 2002-2006: Obesity is the terror within. It is destroying our society from within and unless we do something about it, the magni...


The Fleapit Three

剧情: 印度 2007-04-13  2007Mike: So, who do you think would win in a fight? Harry Potter or Sprocket from Fraggle Rock? Mr. Hunter: Mike, I need you ...


The Misbehavers

剧情: The Misbehavers documents a small army of guerilla filmmakers as they converge at the 2004 Sundance Film Festival for a mission dubbed Operation: Altitude. The ...



剧情: A mix between "The Twilight Zone" and "Of Mice and Men": tells the tale of two friends who have purchased a run-down cargo ship in an effort to ...

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