电影网>明星资料馆>Ken Rosier



Mr. Blue Sky

剧情: An unconventional love triangle between three childhood buddies; two girls, one born with Down syndrome, and one boy, who all grow up fighting who they are insi...


剧情:   一个幼稚冲动的花花公子继承了他父亲留下的夜总会。他整日沉溺于花天酒地,纸醉金迷的世界之中。直到有一天,一个神秘的男子出现,使他开始怀疑父亲的死因。于是他开始了对此事的调查,然而随着调查的深入,呈现在他面前的竟是一连串的谎言和背叛……


God's Waiting List

剧情: A gritty, heartfelt drama about a brother and sister who both start out with the American Dream of running their own business and being successful. Teresa goes ...


A Day in the Life of a Bathroom Key

剧情: 美国 2005-04-16  2005


The Good Fight

剧情: Bartleby Kemp is a homeless drifter who spends his days conning a living on streets of Santa Lucia, a seaside resort town in California. To torture her ultra-co...

The Elephant's Egg

剧情: Joe has a Zippo lighter engraved with a Praying Mantis by Salvador Dali. It was given to him by his recent ex-gal, Leyla. One night, after Joe has a drunken hea...

The Hillside Strangler

剧情: In the end of the 70\'s, the dysfunctional Kenneth Bianchi lives with his mother and is obsessed to join the police force. When his application is refused, his ...



剧情: In the city of angels - Los Angeles - no one is immune from the lurking spirits, neither good nor evil. As the end of time rapidly approaches, both forces have ...


剧情:   戴夫(亚当·桑德勒饰)本来是一个很正常的生意人,至少看上去非常正常。他有着温文尔雅的外表,和漂亮的女朋友琳达(玛丽萨·托梅饰)。但是不幸的是,在一次飞行旅行中,他失去了控制,被认为不能控制自己的情绪,并被遣送去进行“情绪管理”训练。   这项“情绪管理”课程的负责人,是一位自己就有点疯疯癫癫的精神病医生...

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