电影网>明星资料馆>Deborah Benson



The Danger of Love: The Carolyn Warmus Story

剧情: Michael Carlin, a teacher, has been having an affair with a much younger fellow teacher Carolyn Warmus. When his wife is murdered, the police suspect him due to...



剧情: When the police finds a necklace with some criminal, a detective remembers that it was missing evidence in a murderer case many years ago. So it turns out that ...


"Get a Life"

剧情: 美国 1990-09-23  1990advertisement Chris Peterson: [to a rival in his male modeling class] What\'s that? You had a *butt* lift?


剧情: Fact-based story of Mike Mills, a teen with muscular dystrophy, who is placed in a state nursing home by his destitute single mother. There he must contend with...


Mutant on the Bounty

剧情: [while comforting a man whose face has been mutilated] Justine: Could we just turn out one more light? [during surgery] Babette: Don\'t die on me now, ...


Ghost Fever

剧情: Two policeman are sent on a routine assignment to serve an eviction notice. It becomes anything but run-of-the-mill when they become involved in the ghostly hap...


剧情: 剧情简介壹个电话修理工,一名保险业务员,二人在星期五的傍晚,不约而同地造访了位于纽约贫民窟的一栋大楼。该栋大楼由一群恶霸少年组的帮派所掌控,暴力与恐怖早已成为大楼的生存法则。不幸地,他们惹上这群不该惹的人...。现在,他们得在黎明前逃出这栋大楼,除了一名十七岁少女和一名十岁男童,没有人敢帮助他们。面对这夥没有人性的残暴...


Just Before Dawn

剧情: Five campers arrive in the mountains to examine some property they have bought, but are warned by the forest ranger Roy McLean that a huge machete-wielding mani...


Mrs. R's Daughter

剧情: 美国 1979-09-19  1979

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