Columbo: Murder Under Glass (1978)

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  • 犯罪  灾难
Columbo: Murder Under Glass
  • 片       名Columbo: Murder...
  • 上映时间1978年01月30日(美国)
  • 导       演 乔纳森·戴米


  • Lt. Columbo: Oh, I do a little cooking, sir. Nothing fancy. Mrs. Columbo, she's a remarkable woman. She has lots of interests... but cooking isn't one of them. She gives me plenty of encouragement. Albert: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Lieutenant, we're behind you, all of us. And I want you to know this: as long as you're on this case, you will never go hungry. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Lt. Columbo: The boy said something about an argument and a lot of shouting. What was that about, sir? Paul Gerard: It was a trivial matter. Lt. Columbo: Yes, sir. Most arguments seem to start that way. Lt. Columbo: Oh, there's just one other thing... Lt. Columbo: Sorry, Mr. Gerard, but I can't let you get away with it. Paul Gerard: What? Lt. Columbo: Your recipe. You didn't think I'd remember, did you? It's onion sauce. Lt. Columbo: Well, this is quite a coincidence. I had no idea you were here. Paul Gerard: Would you care to join me? Lt. Columbo: Well, I'm really not hungry, sir. I just polished off three mushrooms stuffed with crab meat. But I'll join you anyway. If you're anything like me, you're not too crazy about eating alone. Miss Choy: Lieutenant, you forgot your fortune cookie. Lt. Columbo: To tell you the truth, ma'am, I could use some good news. [reads fortune] Lt. Columbo: "Cheer up. There is more than one fish in the sea." That's the kind I always get. Once, I would like it to say I'm gonna be rich and go away on a long trip. Just once. Paul Gerard: I'm beginning to regard you as an old acquaintance, Lieutenant. Lt. Columbo: Well, thank you very much, sir. I'm beginning to know you pretty well, too. Lt. Columbo: That dim sum reminds me of the kind I used to have at home. Miss Choy: At home, Lieutenant? Lt. Columbo: Right around the corner from Chinatown was an Italian neighborhood. When I was a kid, I bet I had more eggrolls than cannelloni. Paul Gerard: What makes you think Vittorio was in some sort of trouble? Lt. Columbo: Mainly because he was murdered, sir. The two, trouble and murder, they seem to go together. At least that's been my experience, sir. Paul Gerard: [referring to Vittorio's death] Albert, can all this be true? Albert: Mr. Gerard, Vittorio was a fine man. You're a food critic, great critic. I'm a simple chef. But I'm sure I speak for chefs everywhere when I say I wish it was you dead in there. Paul Gerard: I wanted you to have one last taste of Tokyo before you begin your tour of American restaurants. Kenji Ozu: They won't believe this when I send back the story. They think I'm eating hot dogs and grits. Eve Plummer: Have you ever eaten grits? Kenji Ozu: No, not yet. Eve Plummer: Don't bother. Lt. Columbo: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • I expected to see you at Mr. Rossi's funeral. I guess you couldn't make it. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Paul Gerard: I never go to funerals. I prefer to remember my friends as I saw them last. Lt. Columbo: I believe Mr. Rossi was yelling at you when you saw him last. Isn't that right, sir? Paul Gerard: You mustn't take me literally, Lieutenant. Paul Gerard: Have you eaten? Lt. Columbo: Ah, yes, sir. It seems I've been eating quite a bit lately. It's terrific. Kenji Ozu: Are you a lieutenant with the American Army? Lt. Columbo: Ah, no sir. Los Angeles Police. Eve Plummer: Homicide, right, Lieutenant? Lt. Columbo: That's right, ma'am. Kenji Ozu: Ah, there was a murder movie on the plane. Brilliant. Kenji Ozu: Do you have a hot suspect? Lt. Columbo: Well, I've got my eyes on one. [Turns to look at Paul Gerard] Lt. Columbo: Oh. One more thing. Gee, I almost forgot. What I came here to ask you. Paul Gerard: Fortunately, you remembered. Paul Gerard: You're a very able man, Lieutenant. I respect that. But I really don't care for you very much. Lt. Columbo: You know, sir, I was thinking the same thing about you. I respect your talent. But I don't like anything else about you. Lt. Columbo: [Watching Paul Gerard eat the dish he prepared] What do you think? Paul Gerard: Lieutenant, I wish you had been a chef. Lt. Columbo: I understand, sir. Paul Gerard: When did you first suspect me? Lt. Columbo: As it happens, sir... about two minutes after I met you. Paul Gerard: That can't be possible. Lt. Columbo: Oh, you made it perfectly clear, sir, the very first night when you decided to come to the restaurant directly after you were informed that Vittorio was poisoned. Paul Gerard: I was instructed to come here by the police. Lt. Columbo: And you came, sir. Paul Gerard: Yes. Lt. Columbo: After eating dinner with a man that had been poisoned. You didn't go to a doctor. You came because the police instructed you. You didn't go to a hospital. You didn't even ask to have your stomach pumped. Mr. Gerard, that's the damnedest example of good citizenship I've ever seen. Lt. Columbo: Columbo: Good Evening, Ma'am. My name is Lt. Columbo, Homicide. I'd like to speak to Paul Gerard. Is he home? Eve Plummer: I'm not sure. Lt. Columbo: Is it a big house or is he just out to the police? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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