
  • [Candy has slept with Darlene's husband] Darlene: And you call yourself my friend. Candy: Damn right I do. [after sex] Donnie Earl: Friends? [the two couples are sharing a bed] Roy Kirkendall: Good night, John Boy. Donnie Earl: Kiss my ass. Bell Hop: Folks, you're really going to have to keep it down. Darlene: GET THE FUCK OUT! Candy: You've got the world by its balls and you don't even know it! Donnie Earl: How much does a girl like that cost you, Roy? Candy: Damnit Lonnie Earl! It's none of your business! Donnie Earl: Well I tried to leave... Donnie Earl: Darlene and Roy have to sleep together. It'll make it even. It's like a dealer trade-in. Donnie Earl: [in the convenient store] Yeah, ya just pile it on up here. Ole Lonnie Earl's got plenty of money. Yeah, I'm Mister Deep Pockets. Go ahead, Roy, put it on up here. Anybody else in here want me to buy them something? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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