"Grosse Pointe" (2000)

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"Grosse Pointe"


  • Hunter Fallow: I think Johnny's really in love. Either that or he's got a surfboard in his shorts. Hunter Fallow: You are so great on the show... even if the fans don't agree. Johnny Bishop: I can hardly look at her without sporting wood. Courtney Scott: I feel so nervous. Do you guys have any tips? Hunter Fallow: Try to look thinner. Marcy Sternfeld: Why didn't he ask me to squeeze his zit? Hunter Fallow: They would never fire me, I'm the star of this show. I am this show. Marcy Sternfeld: I release my obsession with Johnny. I release my obsession with Johnny. Hunter Fallow: Today she's squeezing his zits, tomorrow who knows what she'll be squeezing. Marcy Sternfeld: Don't take it personally. She hates everyone. Even me, and I'm her best friend. Quentin King: Some fresh meat will be nice after that dried up beef jerky that calls herself Hunter. Quentin King: I swear I have never, ever had herpes on my lip. Dave: You're so generous and... nice. Marcy Sternfeld: You know I tell myself that all the time but it sounds so much better when someone else says it. Hunter Fallow: Every time I kiss you I think I deserve an Emmy. Quentin King: And every time I kiss you I think why can't I kiss a girl with breasts. Hunter Fallow: I blame this on Sarah Michelle Gellar. If Buffy weren't such a hit, this never would've happened. [In a bar with loud music] Courtney Scott: Are you sure this is a good place to meet guys? You can't even have a conversation. Hunter Fallow: Who needs to hear them talk if they're cute? Hunter Fallow: He's not even that cute. And those tattoos are totally henna. Marcy Sternfeld: I'm in love. Hunter now I finally understand how you met Trent Reznor and got engaged within 24 hours. Hunter Fallow: Yeah, but he went platinum... twice. Quentin King: It's cool to do your own stunts. Like Cruise in MI Marcy Sternfeld: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Why should I take advice from you? The longest relationship you ever had was in the bathroom stall at the Viper Room. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Courtney Scott: There's no way I'm spending more money on my car than my parent's spend on their house. Hunter Fallow: I bet they're not making Dawson's Creek go supernatural for Halloween. Quentin King: Oh, they are... Dawson's going to hell to save Joey's soul. Dave: Glad your crotch is feeling better. Hunter Fallow: It's a thin line between love and hate. It's called angry sex. Marcy Sternfeld: I'm too famous to have an orgasm. Marcy Sternfeld: I'm so depressed. I need to buy shoes. Hunter Fallow: Oh, you need to buy something but they don't sell it at a shoe store. Marcy Sternfeld: I should try yelling at people more often. Hunter Fallow: You think this is good, try having an orgasm. Johnny Bishop: Man, what a bitchen dude. Johnny Bishop: There's no way I'm going out with a *he*. Dave: Did you like the movie? Hunter Fallow: Well besides the fact that Winona Ryder has my career, it wasn't so bad. Johnny Bishop: He says he's going to start a whole gay chapter for Johnny Bishop. Just look what they've done for Keanu Reeves. Dave: Wow, are all your bras this thick? Dave: How much do you think I can get for Hunter's lingerie? Kevin: Washed or unwashed? They pay double if it comes straight from the star. [to Courtney, when fighting] Hunter Fallow: You Hefty bag of trash. Dave: I'm doing a TV star and plus, I'm still on her payroll! Dave: Why are you so irritable? Hunter Fallow: You try playing [preppy voice] Hunter Fallow: *Becky* every day. Dave: Hunter, you're like, the best girlfriend in the world. Hunter Fallow: I wouldn't go around here bragging about how much time you spend on these scripts, cause guess what? They suck. Quentin King: Kristin Davis. Man, I'd like to have sex in her city. Hunter Fallow: Take your pants off, I don't want to think right now. Quentin King: Smellrose place. Season number two. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Hunter Fallow 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : No matter how much America despises you I won't let it affect my feelings for you. Johnny Bishop: Hunter! Hunter! [runs up to her] Hunter Fallow: Bite me. Johnny Bishop: I talked to my brother, he says he's going to fix the game. [pause] Johnny Bishop: Come on, it was a mistake! Hunter Fallow: Vietnam was a mistake. Zoe, Jack, Duncan, and Jane was a mistake. Having a pinball drop out of my ass is not a mistake. Quentin King: Man, your cousin is so hot. Johnny Bishop: I know! Johnny Bishop: Hey, check out how golden and downy these hairs are getting around my navel. Kevin: [Johnny pulls up his vest and Kevin becomes uncomfortable] Wow. Johnny Bishop: They're kind of soft like chest hair, but sexy like pubic hairs Kevin: Yeah. Johnny Bishop: Hey, what do you call this anyway? Kevin: I don't know. Like, chesty-pubey-tummy hair? Johnny Bishop: Yeah. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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