
  • Dora Diamond: I love self-loathing complaint rock you can dance to. Dora Diamond: Do you have a girlfriend? Paul Tannek: Ex-girlfriend. She lost weight, so she's dating a lot more now. Paul Tannek: Do you think you could turn it down just a skosh? Chris: A skosh? What the hell is that? Professor Edward Alcott: You know, I have this crazy philosophy that your grades should represent your grasp of the material and not your negotiating skills, which are amazing, by the way. Adam: You gotta help me. Lisa is all primed but her helpful friend, fat Rita, will take her home unless she gets some action too. Noah: OK, first of all, I'm way too wasted to be operating heavy machinery. And second of all, I got this spinner all G-ed out. She's liquid. Adam: Leave her on the back burner. Take one for the team. Paul Tannek: Oh are you referring to the illegal drugs you distribute at partied? Chris: You know what I'm talking about? Paul Tannek: What was that? Dora Diamond: A kiss. Paul Tannek: You call that a kiss? Paul Tannek: What kinda drugs were you giving out here? Chris: Drugs? Man, all we had was BEER. Paul Tannek: You can't pass out from just drinking beer. Chris: Yes you can, if you take something before you drink it! Professor Edward Alcott: Oh, they're all my little honor students. Of course between them, they couldn't get through a copy of Rolling Stone. Noah: Oh, my God. Are you guys taking Psych? Chris, Adam: Yes... Noah: Did you ever look the book? Chris, Adam: [Chris and Adam look at each other] No... Noah: LOOK AT THIS RETARD! [all laugh] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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