Waxwork II: Lost in Time (1992)

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  • 喜剧  恐怖
Waxwork II: Lost in Time


  • [Mark (as Douglas) must read a body the burial prayer, quickly] John Loftmore: Read directly to the bones... page 210, chapter 13, verse Mark Loftmore: Ecapsmi evig nig inglock... John Loftmore: Douglas, the book is upside down. Scarabis: You don't suppose they...? George: It's a distinct possibility. Scarabis: I want her checked! Baron Von Frankenstein: You slut! And vith Henry Clavell, my best friend! Sarah Brightman: Vell perhaps if you spent less time vith that heap of brain-damaged flesh in the basement and more time vith me, I vouldn't have to seek pleasures elsevere! Vould I? Baron Von Frankenstein: But vith him! Mark Loftmore: Now, just a minute! Sir Wilfred: [Releasing Mark from chains in the form of a Raven] You have wandered into God's Nintendo Game. Mark Loftmore: [Releasing prisoners from Scarabis's Dungeon] Do you guys know how to fight? [Prisoners cheer] Mark Loftmore: Then let's go kick some butt! [Prisoners look puzzled] Mark Loftmore: [Realises he has poured vinegar, not water, over the hole the vulture has gored in Roger's chest] Ooh! Sorry! Roger: Don't worry, it's only a flesh wound... Scarabis: [Hosting a wild party] I'm BORED! So bloody bored... George: [Wrestling Sarah to the ground] A kiss at the point of death is more pleasurable than the most intense orgasm imaginable... Scarabis: Before I kill you, tell me; from where does such reckless impetuosity originate? Sarah Brightman: America! Mark Loftmore: Of course! Scarabis: America? Is that North or South of London? Mark Loftmore: It's the future! Sarah Brightman: Sort of West... Scarabis: Well, let us pray no more of your friends travel East! Scarabis: [Sarah has reacted negatively to Scarabis's Master Plan] Does this mean you don't love me anymore? Sarah Brightman: Damn straight, oh brother of mine! Scarabis: Well, that does put a different complexion on things. George! George: Sir? Scarabis: Kill the bitch. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • George: Totally! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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