"Cupid" (1998)

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  • 喜剧  爱情


  • advertisement Trevor Hale: Make a move! Get in the game! You gonna get hurt? Have a beautiful train wreck. Trevor Hale: Coffee without caffeine is like sex without the spanking. Trevor Hale: She's not getting older, she's getting bitter. Trevor Hale: Ooh. Look at this towel. I have a little rule. If you can't identify the stain, then you don't dry off with it. nm0005191Claire Allen: If we are sharing the bed we sleep head to toe. Trevor Hale: What's the point, all the interlocking parts still align. Trevor Hale: I hardly ever do those midnight sacrifices of small animals. I can't get the otter blood out of my coffee table! Laurence: Cowboy Erwin up there is repressing a memory of a milking gone bad. Nick: I don't mean to brag, but... I can touch my eyebrows. Bo Peep: So...? Nick: With my tongue. Champ: Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing but love for the mentally deranged... Sophie: Nice guys do finish last. Dr. Claire Allen: Oh... , I'm sorry. Sophie: No. You're not hearing me. Nice guys finish last. Trevor Hale: No idea what you just said, but it turns me on. We can agree on things if you just say things I like, just like that. Dr. Claire Allen: How is it we're always fighting, then? Trevor Hale: Well, you say something, I disagree, wittily, and then you retort with a modicum of disdain. Then you do a little thrust and parry, thrust, parry, parry, Matthew Perry, Gaylord Perry, Sheri Perry, Perry Mason, Luke Perry, William "The Refrigerator" Perry, parry... Dr. Claire Allen: I mean WHY, Trevor! Trevor Hale: Because we disagree fundamentally on everything and you do this great little turn with your mouth when you get angry. You go like this: [pouts, smooches and babbles on and on in babytalk] Trevor Hale: . Dr. Claire Allen: Can we just stop there while I'm still perceiving that a compliment? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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