SAS反恐特战队 (2002)

  • 英国
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  • 动作  战争


  • advertisement [on finding Armitage in a freezer after being killed by Henno Garvey for having an affair with another soldier's wife] Colonel Aidan Dempsey: What a shame, he was just beginning to shape up. [repeated line] Cpl. Ricky Mann: They love it, they do. They love it. [Jem and Jamie are ambushed by Paratroopers whilst searching for a lost trainee] Cpl. Jem Poynton: What are you doing you twat? Back Off! Back Off! You Tits from the Hunter Force yeah? You think we're a couple of students from escape and evasion yeah? Do you really think the Armies Finest would be caught wandering through the woods, chatting at the top of their voices like a couple of tossers from 'Saving Private Ryan'? You twats! [after gunning down his own CO Captain McElwaine] SSgt. Henry 'Henno' Garvie: Man down. Man down. [after exiting the 'Killing House' training exercise] SSgt. Henry 'Henno' Garvie: Not only did we over do the explosives, we over did the time as well. We should have been in and out in fifteen seconds, eighteen max... Alright who shot the T.V.? Sgt. Pete Twamley: I did. It was Richard Whiteley. I felt he posed a risk to life so I used necessary force. SSgt. Henry 'Henno' Garvie: Fair enough. Sgt. Pete Twamley: [after rescuing the CO and another hostage, Twamley bangs on a poster with the phrase "Diamonds are forever" and a picture of a diamond on it.] Diamonds are not forever, dead is. Cpl. Ricky Mann: True, very, very true. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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