星际之门 (1997)

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  • 动作  冒险  科幻
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    星际之门SG-1系列剧集主要讲述一组由科学家和军人组成的探险队伍在通过星际之门进行星际探险的过程中遇到了神秘强大的外星人,并由此展开了一连串奇幻的星际冒险经历。 星际之门是古老而先进的外星科技,利用扭曲时间和空间的虫洞(Wormhole)将物质于瞬间传送过宇宙。星际之门计划代号...
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  • advertisement [repeated line] Jack O'Neill: Oh for crying out loud! [repeated line] Samantha Carter: Holy Hannah! Doctor: Well, he's not human. Jack O'Neill: Ya think? Sam Carter: Think about it... Teal'c: If you once again try to harm me or one of my companions, my patience with you will expire. Bra'tac: Observe, and learn... Jack O'Neill: [when Bra'tac has finished knocking a few Jaffas] Not bad... Jack O'Neill: If we want to find out who's behind this, we have to do what the Asgard do. Daniel: You mean bluff? Jack O'Neill: Yep. We just need to do it without revealing what we know. Daniel: Which is nothing. Jack O'Neill: Right. But they don't know we know nothing. Jack O'Neill: Mmmmmm... Goa'uld TV. Prior: We are beacons on the road to enlightenment. Cameron Mitchell: No, you're dark-side intergalactic encyclopedia salesmen. Unfortunately, the home office hasn't been quite upfront with you. Dr. Daniel Jackson, Ph.D.: Nice work on the metaphor. Cameron Mitchell: Thank you. Teal'c: Undomesticated equines could not move me. Jack O'Neill: It's what we do... 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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