捍卫机密 (1995)

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  • Johnny Mnemonic: I can carry nearly eighty gigs of data in my head. Johnny Mnemonic: What the fuck is going on? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? You know, all my life, I've been careful to stay in my own corner. Looking out for Number One... no complications. Now, suddenly, I'm responsible for the *entire fucking world*, and everybody and his mother is trying to kill me, IF... IF... my head doesn't blow up first. Jane: Maybe it's not just about you any more. Johnny Mnemonic: Listen. You listen to me. You see that city over there? THAT'S where I'm supposed to be. Not down here with the dogs, and the garbage, and the fucking last month's newspapers blowing *back* and *forth*. I've had it with them, I've had it with you, I've had it with ALL THIS - *I want ROOM SERVICE*! I want the club sandwich, I want the cold Mexican beer, I want a $10,000-a-night hooker! I want my shirts laundered... like they do... at the Imperial Hotel... in Tokyo. Johnny Mnemonic: You can't shoot me. Takahashi: Not in the head. Johnny Mnemonic: If I fall, you don't get the head, right? If you lose the head, you're fucked! Johnny Mnemonic: They'll negotiate; they're corporate. Jane: So's the Yakuza. Street Preacher: Come to Jesus! Street Preacher: [gets back on his feet after being struck by Spider's van] [mumbles] Street Preacher: Jesus. Street Preacher: Jesus time. Jane: [Johnny successfully picks a lock to a door of an electronic store] Where did you learn to do that? Johnny Mnemonic: Had a summer job breaking and entering. J-Bone: [at the base of the LoTek headquarters: Heaven] Where's Spider? Jane: He's dead. J-Bone: [looks over at the twisted and burning hulk that was once Spider's van] Jane: [shakes head] No, not 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • there. Earlier. Hooky: [Street Preacher submerges his prosthetic hand into liquid nitrogen and then smashes it] [looking at what is left of his shattered hand] Hooky: [groaning] Why did you do that? Spider: Get on the table. Johnny Mnemonic: Why? Spider: Don't be a bigger asshole than you have to, get on the table. Johnny Mnemonic: Who ordered the pizza? Spider: If you're not expected then you're not invited - SO FUCK OFF! Street Preacher: It's Jesus time! Johnny Mnemonic: "Johnny Boy", my ass. What's the fuckin' score here? Street Preacher: HALT SINNERS! Street Preacher: Who's Jones? Spider: He's that guy... who fucks your mother! Johnny Mnemonic: Pick it up, Ralfi... How bout it, Ralfi? You said you've locked down a date for the procedure. Ralfi: And hello to you too. Girl in Hotel Room: [dressing] Where's home, Johnny? Johnny Mnemonic: Home? [ponders the question a moment longer] Johnny Mnemonic: Home? Would you believe I don't even know? Girl in Hotel Room: [dons her coat] Yes, I would. Johnny Mnemonic: Going out? Girl in Hotel Room: Just getting some ice. Johnny Mnemonic: [as she is leaving the room, Johnny looks over to the ice that is still cold in the bucket] We've got... [looks at the closing door] Johnny Mnemonic: ice. Johnny Mnemonic: If I wanted the silicon dug out of my back brain I would have gone to Mexico City! I want a full restoration; I want it all back! Takahashi: [after being told about the state of their late CEO] [In Japanese] Takahashi: Ghost in the machine. Anna Kalmann: Takahashi! Do you know what this man is carrying in his head? He's carrying the cure to NAS. [Jane looks on as Johnny's hands dance in the air] Jane: What are you doing? Johnny Mnemonic: Making a long distance phone call. Beijing. A hotel. Johnny Mnemonic: I want to get online... I need a computer! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Yeah, the Black Shakes. What causes it? Spider: What causes it? [points to various pieces of equipment throughout the room] Spider: This causes it! This causes it! This causes it! Technological fucking overload! But we still have all this shit. Because we can't live without it. Jane: Man owes me fifty thou' and he's scamming my phone card. Johnny Mnemonic: And it's still our first date. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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