"Friday the 13th" (1987)

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"Friday the 13th"


  • advertisement Ryan: So much for the official story. Now what really happened? Micki: It was scarecrow come to life! It had a leather mask on and was holding a handle with a blade...what do you calle them? A scythe! He must have just cut her head off. Jack Marshak: [to Uncle Lewis, who is attempting to reanimate a corpse] Lewis, you've had your time. You've made your choice. God help you. And now you must abide by that choice. Uncle Lewis: [to Jack] I'll send you straight to hell! Ryan: [as Uncle Lewis materializes] Uncle Lewis? Micki: [frightened] It's him. I've seen his picture. Ryan: [to Lewis] You look like hell. Uncle Lewis: [looks down at himself, grins] Yes, I do, don't I? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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